Character and Philosophy of the Run

The Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run is designed to help new ultra runners make the leap from 50 mile runs to the more demanding 100 mile runs. It enables runners who have difficulty finishing 100 miles in 24 hours, or just finishing 100 miles at all, the opportunity to do so when severe topography, heat, and getting lost are removed as major obstacles. Many runners find the Umstead 100 an excellent foundation for the Massanutten 100, Western States 100, Leadville 100, and Wasatch 100 runs.

Time Limit

The race will start at 6:30 am Saturday and conclude at 12:30 pm Sunday.

The run (100 miles or 50 miles) must be completed in 30 hours.

There is a soft cutoff time of 26 hours (8:30 am, Sunday) at the 87.5-mile point (the start of the last lap). Any runner who continues after that time/point is not guaranteed support, depending on their pace. Runners electing to continue after the soft cutoff will be asked to sign a waiver acknowledging that on-course support may not be present when they reach the water point and remote aid station.

Runner Requirements

Packet Pickup

Race packets will be available for pickup on Friday between Noon and 7:30 pm. Included in your race packet will be a parking pass and cabin assignment, as appropriate.

From Noon to 6:30 pm, race packets will be available at Camp Crabtree with a drive-through experience. When you enter the park on Friday, follow the race signs to Camp Crabtree. You will drive into the camp area, turn around just past the registration tents, and then come back and stop to pick up your race packet. It's fun and easy and you get to stay in your car while our volunteers get your packet for you.

After 6:30 pm on Friday, race packets will be available at the HQ Dining Hall.

We strongly encourage you to pick up your race packet on Friday between Noon and 7:30 pm. We will have the remaining race packets at the Headquarters / Volunteer Check-In desk on Saturday morning. Because your parking pass is in the race packet, if you pick up your packet on Saturday, you will need to find parking in one of the volunteer parking areas. Depending on traffic in the park, you may or may not be able to move your car to your assigned parking area before the race starts.


Crews are welcome, but are not crucial for this race. There will be a voluntary crew briefing outdoors, near Race Headquarters Saturday morning after the runners start (see the Race Schedule).

Friends and family can pace their runner subject to our Pacing rules below. Crew members may not use bicycles to accompany or crew runners on the course at any time. Doing so will result in a runner disqualification. While pacing their runner, crew are encouraged to eat and drink at our aid stations and water point so that they can remain alert and in good shape to help their runner.

Most crew members spend their time in the Camp Lapihio area. The most common places to get comfy while your runner is out in the woods are near the start/finish area, at your car if the runner is parked in Areas A or C, or in a canopy along the course. Regardless of where the set up is located, crew members are invited to get food and drink from the kitchen inside the HQ dining hall. We want you to be happy and in good condition to help your runner. To minimize disruption with runners, we request that crew members do not get food from the aid station (unless pacing) and that they keep the race course clear for runners.

If you want to see your runner at AS#2, parking is available at a City of Raleigh parking lot located at: 4924 Ebenezer Church Road, Raleigh, NC 27612 (Google Map). Entering that address into a mapping program should lead you to the parking lot. Note that you will need to leave the park via Glenwood Avenue and drive around to the east side of the park. After parking, follow the greenway underneath Ebenezer Church Road and head uphill to the aid station.

Individual Canopies

We are optimistic that we will again have the opportunity for individual canopies to be set up in designated areas. Maximum size of a canopy is 10'x10'. Tents are not allowed. As a safety measure: no generators, heaters, stoves, or similar devices are allowed in the canopy areas because the canopies are being set up on the floor of a forest that is covered with pine straw. At the HQ Dining Hall, hot water, a microwave, and power strips for charging devices are all available for crew members use.

Canopies may not be used for overnight camping on Friday night.

If you want to camp overnight, the park offers tent and vehicle camping in a different area. See Camping | NC State Parks.

Designated canopy areas, which are the same as 2024, are adjacent to the Lot A parking area uphill back toward Camp Crabtree. See the Camp Lapihio map for more details. Canopies in this area may be set up beginning Friday afternoon. Note that the area closest to the start/finish line is reserved for those runners who chose the reserved canopy option during race registration.

Reserved Canopy area: During registration, runners will have the option of reserving canopy space closest to the finish line in exchange for parking farther from the race course. The canopy area beginning at Lot A will be blocked off for people who choose this option, but individual spaces will not be assigned. We will hold spaces for everyone who chooses this option until 8am on race morning. This is a totally voluntary option: even if you don't choose it, you can still set up a canopy in a designated area on the course or behind your car - just not in the reserved area.

When you're stocking your canopy on Friday, consider that the park is full of wildlife that will happily eat any available food, and racoons are quite clever at getting into packaging. Accordingly, you may want to bring your food on Saturday and/or use animal-proof coolers.

Canopies are also allowed in front of or behind your parked car as long as they do not impede other runners or traffic flow in the parking areas. Canopies set up adjacent to your vehicle may only be set up on Saturday morning after you have parked.

Canopies are not allowed in the group camps or anywhere outside of the designated areas.

We are very grateful to the Park for letting us set up canopies in the designated area of Camp Lapihio.

Drop Bags

Drop bags will be allowed at the Start/Finish and AS#2. At AS#2, please only use small or medium size bags, and no coolers.

There will be two tents near the Start/Finish line for drop bags. The tents will have shelves for bags, lights, chairs, heaters (if needed), and tables. This is a great location for your supplies if you are not crewing yourself from your car or a canopy. For 2025, we will be moving these tents closer to the aid station so that they are even easier to access.

Drop bags destined for AS#2 must be delivered to the Race Headquarters, on race day, no later than 6:10 am. They will be transported to AS#2 before the race starts. The drop bag truck will be located under the AS #1 tent on race morning.

Return of drop bags from AS#2: Drop bags will be returned to the porch on the east side of the HQ Dining Hall. When you know that you are done with your AS#2 drop bag, have it placed in the bin for return to HQ. We will bring drop bags back to HQ throughout the race whenever one of our vehicles is making the trip - this will occur several times beginning Saturday evening. All remaining drop bags will leave AS#2 at 11 am on Sunday for delivery to Race Headquarters approximately 11:30 am. Runners or crew may drive to AS#2 to retrieve drop bags.

To help make drop bag retrieval as efficient as possible, we ask that you label all drop bags with your race number. Race Numbers will be available on the website no later than a week before race day. If you are unable to label your drop bag prior to coming to the race, white duct tape and markers will be available at registration on Friday and at the drop bag truck on Saturday morning.

You can use your vehicle for personal needs at headquarters (see parking at Camp Lapihio). Lot A and Lot C are the most convenient for crewing yourself from a vehicle, but they're not large enough for everyone to park there, so you may need to adjust your plans depending on your parking assignment.


Personal pacers do not have to register, and can join their runner anywhere on the course, but please be advised:

Muling is allowed, but no bicycles.

Volunteer Pacers

The Race has a volunteer pacer program. These volunteer pacers are runners from the local area who will be available to runners who desire a pacer, but do not have a private pacer.

Volunteer pacers are assigned on a first-to-request basis as the runner enters the Headquarters Aid Station, and as they are available at that point in time.

The volunteer pacer program will be available to runners starting at 6:30 pm on Saturday, continuing through the night and into Sunday morning. For the most part, these pacers are good for 1 or 2 laps with a very few being able to go 3 laps. You may request a second pacer, if available, if your pacer cannot run additional laps.

Historically, the Race has been able to meet more than 90 percent of the requests for pacers. Competitive runners who want a volunteer pacer should coordinate with the RD at least 30 days prior to the Race.

We do not guarantee you a pacer. If you want a 100% guarantee, bring your own.

Access to the Park

With the exception of Aid Station #2, access to all race activities is via the Glenwood Avenue/US 70 entrance to the park. If you or your crew try to use the other entrance for race access, you will be unhappy. On race Friday, the US 70/Glenwood Avenue Park gate will be opened at 8:00 am and closed at 8:00 pm. The gate will remain closed all night Friday night.

The next day, Saturday race day, the gate will be opened at 4:45 am.

Saturday night the gate will be closed at 8:00 pm. Thereafter, it will be opened every hour, on the hour (9:00 pm, 10:00 pm, etc.).

Emergency vehicle access (the kind that usually involves an ambulance) will be available.

Unless it is a law-enforcement or medical emergency, please do not call the park regarding the gate being closed overnight. Even then, it may be better to call 911 first. The Park is allowing the Race to open and close the gate during the race. For everyone's security, the gate cannot be left open overnight.

During the race, crew members should be back in the Park prior to 8:00 pm or they will have to wait until the gate is opened on the interval schedule. Traffic is very congested on I-40, I-540, and US 70/Glenwood on Friday afternoons, so allow yourself plenty of time to get to race registration.

When you're tired and it's dark, it can take about 20 minutes to drive the 3.3 miles from Race HQ to the park gate.

Google Map of the Umstead Park, Raleigh/Durham Airport, and Raleigh

Aid Station #2 is located adjacent to Ebeneezer Church Road on the east side of the park. Parking for AS#2 is available at a City of Raleigh parking lot located at 4924 Ebenezer Church Road, Raleigh, NC 27612. Do not park at the church. Also, do not park at or near the Park gate on Ebenezer Church Road. The NO PARKING signs are enforced.

Camp Lapihio

Race Headquarters, the Start/Finish, and Headquarters Aid Station (AS#1) will be located at Camp Lapihio group camp. The Camp consists of a Dining Hall, restrooms, showers, running water, power, and 40 primitive cabins.

The Camp is accessed from the main Park gate off US 70 (Glenwood Avenue). After entering the park from Glenwood Avenue, follow the yellow Umstead signs to the camp.

Google Map of the drive through the park to Camp Lapihio.

A map of Camp Lapihio.

Parking at Camp Lapihio/Headquarters

Parking is our greatest infrastructure constraint. Practically, that means that everyone cannot have the most convenient parking spot. We are aware that everyone wants the best parking for their particular situation, except for those wonderful souls who do not require parking. We spend a lot of effort trying to manage the available parking that we have.

There is no runner, crew, or spectator parking adjacent to the race headquarters building or on the park access roads. These are all well-traveled routes that we have to keep open at all times for race vehicles and emergency vehicle access.

If you have friends or family who require ADA access, please have them dropped off at the entrance to the dining hall in Camp Lapihio. The camps are unpaved areas with old buildings, so conditions are not great for the physically disabled. But, the Start/Finish area is a relatively flat gravel area and there is a ramp into the dining hall, which is the heart of the Headquarters. To date, we have always been able to accommodate spectators of all abilities cheering their favorites at the finish line.

We prioritize parking for three groups of people in this order: Runners, volunteers, and spectators/crew. We assign parking to runners in the areas most accessible to the course and do not assign parking to anyone else. Complicating the situation: if we have a lot of rain before the race, we may lose access to part or all of Lot A, Lot B, Lot C, and/or one of the volunteer areas.

Runner Parking

Parking for runners is scattered throughout the four satellite cabin groups at Camp Lapihio.

To facilitate parking on Saturday morning, one parking spot will be assigned to each runner based on race number and/or cabin assignment. Parking assignments will be posted prior to the race along with the bib number assignments. Parking passes with the assigned lot will be included in the race packet that is picked up on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Vehicles must have the parking pass displayed on the dashboard.

Non-runner vehicles park at Power Line Parking at Camp Lapihio or at Camp Crabtree. These are vehicles that do not have a parking pass.

After you get your parking assignment on Friday, we strongly suggest that you find your location immediately so that you'll be familiar with it for Saturday morning (in the dark). The smoother parking goes Saturday morning, the better for everyone. Note that Lot A will not be available to vehicles on Friday: this area is fragile, so we keep vehicles out of it until Saturday morning.

During registration, runners will have the option of reserving canopy space closest to the finish line in exchange for parking farther from the race course.

Volunteer Parking

Most volunteers are asked to park at Power Line Parking at Camp Lapihio or at Camp Crabtree. These are vehicles that do not have a parking pass. After 8 am Saturday morning, parking may be available in Lot B.

If conditions have been dry and the field is in good shape, we are sometimes able to park volunteer pacers on Saturday night in a field just east of the HQ. If this area is open, there will be a sign between the runner drop bag tents indicating volunteer parking to the right. As a volunteer pacer, if you choose to park here please be gentle on the grass. No knobby tires. Only one ingress / egress is permitted - after it is parked you cannot move your vehicle.

Parking for Everyone Else

Non-runner vehicles park at Power Line Parking at Camp Lapihio or at Camp Crabtree. These are vehicles that do not have a parking pass.

Camp Crabtree Parking and Shuttle

Parking at Camp Crabtree is the more reliable and efficient location, and there has always been ample parking available in this area. Camp Crabtree is the easiest to drive in and out. It is the first intersection that you come to in the group camp area and you won't become ensnared by runners and other race activities.

The walk to Camp Lapihio is not strenuous or technical. After parking, walk out the driveway you used to enter and turn left. The fun part is that after turning left from the Crabtree driveway, you will be on the race course and can cheer passing runners as you walk to Camp Lapihio.

Because it is over a half mile from Camp Crabtree to the HQ, we operate a shuttle van from Saturday morning through noon on Sunday. The shuttle is constantly going back and forth between Camp Crabtree and HQ and is intended for anyone who wants to ride. There are signs at each location for the shuttle pick up location.

Aid Stations

Aid station #1 (HQ Aid Station) is at Camp Lapihio, at the Start/Finish line. Aid is provided to runners and pacers. This is a full-service location with hot and cold food and beverages as well as first-aid supplies.

Aid Station #2 (The Ptomaine Tavern) is located near the old Ebeneezer Church Road bridge over Crabtree Creek, at the 7.15 mile point of each lap. Crew access to AS #2 can be made by a 7-mile drive around the park or a 5.6-mile walk or bike trip along the course. Aid is provided to runners and pacers. This is a full-service location with hot and cold food and beverages as well as first-aid supplies.

Graylyn & Reedy Creek Water Point is located near the intersection of two multi-use trails. Runners will pass this location at approximately 3.4 and 10.6 mile points of each lap. The water point will be staffed by volunteers to hand out Gatorade, water, and a limited number of food items such as cookies, trail mix, and pretzels. This location will have energy gels and energy waffles as long as supplies last. Aid is provided to runners and pacers. This is a "deluxe water point" and will offer limited items and a smile in the night. This location is a water point, not a full-service aid station.

With the aid stations and the water point, runners never have more than 3.8 miles between fluid stops.

Aid Station Stock

If you don't see it on the table, ask our staff. No request is too small!




Medical Checks

There will be no medical checks before, during, or after the race. Each entrant is responsible for knowing his or her own physical limitations.

We encourage each entrant to get a complete physical before participating in this race.

Please read our page on Your Health.

Rex Hospital is located 7 miles from the park's Glenwood Ave entrance and transportation will be arranged for those with serious problems. If, in the opinion of the Race Director or aid station captains, your physical or mental condition deteriorates to the point of endangering your safety, you will be withdrawn from the race.

Real-Time Race Results

At the end of each 12.5 mile loop, detailed splits will be available for each runner at the timer's tent that is located next to the Headquarters Aid Station.

In addition, we use a text-message service so that people can get updates whenever a runner that they're monitoring passes a timing checkpoint.

Post Race Activities

There is no awards ceremony. The 100-miler certificates and race statistics will be mailed out following the race. Finisher mementos are handed out at the finish line.

50 Mile Option

The Umstead 100 is conducted primarily as a 100-mile event. However, for those who begin the race and finish at least 50 miles, we recognize 50 miles as an official distance. After the race, we will report the 100-mile and 50-mile times to UltraRunning.

We will also present an acrylic triangle award to the first male and female 50 mile finishers. Individuals who finish the 100 are not eligible for the 50-mile awards.

A smaller (6") 50 Mile Acrylic Triangle Award can be purchased by 50-mile finishers. See the awards.

Friday Night Spaghetti Dinner

We offer a free, pre-race spaghetti dinner to all volunteers, runners, and one crewmember per runner. Additional crew and/or visitors are invited to the dinner for a five dollar donation, payable at Friday registration.

On your entry form please let us know if you intend to eat with us and how many will be eating.

The meal will be served from 5:30pm to 6:45pm in the race headquarters building. The meal's purpose is twofold: one, to encourage race camaraderie and, second, to provide a good meal for people staying in the cabins.

Experience has taught us that it's difficult to leave all your friends (old and new) after supper and be out the gate by 8:00 pm when the park closes. If you are leaving the Park after the meal, be sure to be on your way to the gate by 7:45 pm.

Message from the Race Directors

As we look forward to the 30th running of the Umstead 100, we are grateful for the decades of runners and volunteers who have become part of the Umstead community. If you haven't run with us before, please consider joining this great group of people. If you are returning to run with us 2025, we look forward to seeing you again in the Carolina springtime.

We at the North Carolina Ultra Running Association hope many members of the Ultra Community will come and give the race a try. We promise a good time, aid stations second-to-none, and a beautiful course. We are committed to both being good stewards of the William B. Umstead State Park, and making this a great event for our runners, their support crew, and our volunteers.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improving this event.

Good luck and good running.
Chris Squires & Rhonda Hampton